Shazzy Gustafson Week 9 Report
02 June 2014
What were your concrete goals for the week?
- Create in game 2D art (deaths, powerups)
- Model Blood Clot
- Find sounds for intro, collisions etc with Sean
What goals were you able to accomplish?
- Create in game 2D art (deaths, powerups)
- Find sounds for intro, collisions etc with Sean
If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?
- Wasn’t able to model the blood clot just didn’t have time to get around to it
What are your specific goals for the next week?
- Keep finding some sounds depending on how the current ones sound
- Work on a controller screen (intro screen to explain the controls, power ups etc)
- Work on a final ‘Winner’ Screen
- Work on blood clot model
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