Alle touristen und non-technischen lookenpeepers! Das machine is nicht fur fingerpoken und mittengrabben. Is easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzen sparken. Das machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur gerwerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen das cottenpicken hands in das pockets. Relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.
(credit [1])
All other info is classified.
I do not own any of these bunnies. Or their pictures.
Serious Bunny
Monty Bunny
Marine bunny
Antenna bunny
Game bunny
Office bunny
Lemon bunny
Hug bunny
Week 7 Report
What I did
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
- Physics attribute tweaking (gravity, friction, etc)
What I am doing this week
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
- Second round of heightmap construction
What I am doing next week
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
Things I did not do
- Sound editing taken over my Michael and Haro
- Environment editing taken over by Haro and Suman
Week 6 Report
What I did
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
What I am doing this week
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
What I am doing next week
- General debugging
- Sound editing
- Environment construction
Things I did not do
- I did not finish collision physics improvements because I had a midterm yesterday. Hopefully will finish in a couple of days
Week 5 Report
What I did
- Camera/player control with respect to gravity swapping
- Advanced camera/player control: lazy follow
What I am doing this week
- Collision physics improvements
- Collision physics debugging
What I am doing next week
- General debugging
- Modelling
- Environment construction
Things I did not do
- I got sidetracked with the challenge of a lazy follow camera and worked on that instead of implementing advanced collision physics
Week 4 Report
What I did
- Created basic gravity-swap code
- Worked on replacing camera/player control
- Tweaked physics
What I am doing this week
- Camera/player control with respect to gravity swapping
- Collision physics improvements
What I am doing next week
- Advanced player control
Things I did not do
- Improving camera and player control: Re-implementing camera and player control so it was more general was complicated enough without improving it too. Still working on this.
- Advanced collision physics: I updated it a little, but I spent most of my time on camera/player control.
Week 3 Report
What I did
- All object management moved to the server
- Implemented gravity and collision physics
- Improved client/server com
- Created a test environment
What I am doing this week
- Improving collision physics
- Improving camera and player control
- Creating gravity-swap code
What I am doing next week
- More advanced camera control
Things I did not do
- I think I covered everything...
Week 2 Report
What I did
- Implemented the ClientEngine
- Created temporary object management in both the client and the server
- Created the physics engine, minus collisions and gravity
What I am doing this week
- Moving all object management to the server
- Clean up client-server communication
- Collision and other physics
- Help create a test environment
What I am doing next week
- Advanced physics
- Advanced camera control
Week 1 Report
What I did
- Discussed ideas to add to the project spec
- Helped create rules for memory and object management
What I am doing this week
- Create the basic client engine layout
- Create the basic render engine
- Create the basic object management system
- Begin work on the physics engine
What I am doing next week
- Create a basic physics engine
- Create a dummy network com system
- Have physics/rendering talk to each other through this system
- Maintain a single overarching client machine