Week 6 Group Report
Overall Status
We were having some issues with the tube, which slowed development in other areas (e.g., camera-tube tracking, tube-object collisions, tube track, and model-track orientation). We were definitely anticipating more progress in week 6, but saw an additional decrease in activity due to classes and other responsibilities. Overall, our progression could be a little bit better. With the tube mostly in place, we hope to see some of this functionality drop into place quickly. Despite two meetings a week, we have had some communications issues that have likely impacted progress and need to be resolved. In order to get on track we need to group up, closely examine the tasks we have left and delegate them properly. We may hold each other more strictly accountable, as it will result in faster progress and possibly donuts.
On the upside, our art is still arting nicely.
Group Morale: The group overall is feeling.. alright. We’re feeling the pressure of Week 7 and are ready to kick it into high gear.
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