Week 6 Reports

Find Week 7's report here. Find Week 5's report here.

Group Report

For the week 7 meeting on 5/11.

Before describing our previous week, we would like thank Bowen for his contributions to the project. While it is unfortunate that he will not be able to see the game come together, we hope we’ll have a chance to play the game with him once it is finished.

Work this week has moved us closer to that point. In graphics, the character models were successfully loaded in. The model moves well in the 3D world, rotating when the user shifts the crosshair and moving with the player’s camera. The remainder of the animations we currently have will be loaded in next week. In art, we now have a crouching animation. The completion of the powerup ability icons as well as transitional animations such as walk-to-crouch and walk-to-run is a target for next week. Progress continues on network-gameplay integration. Code has been written for the Server to track and update player positions based on player input messages and for the Client to update each player’s position. We aim to render updated player positions next week. Other work has focused on sending the maze structure from the server to client. This has involved the refactoring of previously written maze code and efforts on this will continue into next week. Time was also spent resolving installation issues. The process is being documented and streamlined.

Group morale is high.

The gif on the left shows the character model moving with the camera and rotating with the crosshair, weapon in hand. The gif on the right displays the crouch-walk animation.

Player walking with gun. Player crouch walking.

Individual Reports

Lucas' Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    My concrete goal for this week was to load in the character model properly.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    I was able to accomplish this goal. It actually took less time than I thought it would which was a very pleasant surprise. I was able to spend the rest of the week making it so that the character model rotates when the player moves their crosshair and so that the character model walks forward and backwards as the player moves around in the 3D world.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    Goals accomplished.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    My specific goals for next week are to finish loading in and verifying animations work properly for the models given to me by the art team as well as work with the integration team so that animations of other players can be seen in the world.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    This week I learned how ASSIMP bones work in terms of animation and I also relearned a bit of 3D transformation math. This was stuff that we had covered in CSE 167 and 169 but I really needed to review and understand it in order to make sure that the model rotated and followed the player camera properly. It was actually pretty difficult just to get the model to move and rotate at the same rate as the camera and due to all the scaling and math issues. Basically, just loading the model in and getting it to play its animation is one challenge and making it move around in the 3D world is another challenge.

  6. How is your individual morale?

    My individual morale is much better than it was last week. As a team, we were able to figure out the communication between client and server and I think now is just a matter of refactoring the code so that the client and server perform their responsibilities appropriately.

Kabir's Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    Network integration.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    None, ongoing.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    The code won’t build for me…working with Lucas to resolve. Nearly there, also figured out a lot of ways we can reduce our workflow bloat.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    Write our documentation and streamline the installation process. Right now it’s a bit of a nightmare.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    Learned more the various libraries we need to install setup.

  6. How is your individual morale?

    OK, some issues with our installation that are frustrating. But made good progress clearing those up, hopefully it will speed up our future work as well.

Mitchell's Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    Create the maze using the server/client.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    Sending the maze structure from the server to the client.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    I was unable to finish parsing the information from the server to create the maze on the client side as well. Creating the structure for the game requires me refactoring a lot of the code away from what was initially used, which was all being done in the "window" creation.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    Create the maze using the server/client. Create ability chests as well.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    Did not learn anything this week.

  6. How is your individual morale?


Alan's Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    My concrete goals for this week were to finish the ability icons and to create a crouching animation.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    I was not able to work on the icons yet, but I was able to make a crouch-walking animation.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    I was not able to work on the icons because I had to work on other classes.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    My goals for next week are to finish the icons and to create a walk-to-crouch animation and a walk-to-run animation.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    I did not learn anything new this week.

  6. How is your individual morale?

    My morale is still very high.

Michael's Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    My goal for this week was to continue to assist with the network/gameplay integration.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    I chatted with members of the gameplay team over discord to help familiarize them with the network code, and to answer any other questions they had about the network.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    We are still working to complete the integration.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    My specific goals for next week are to implement hit detection when shooting.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    I got more experience with the gameplay code.

  6. How is your individual morale?

    My morale is good, but the past week and next week will be quite busy for me.

Robert's Report:

  1. What were your concrete goals for the week?

    My goal this week was to help implement network-based user-controlled movement by having the Server track player positions through client input messages, update each client on the positions of all players, and have clients render the updated player positions.

  2. What goals were you able to accomplish?

    I have written code that allows the Server to track and update information about each player and supply all clients with the updated information.

  3. What goals were you unable to meet, if any? Why?

    The rendering portion of my goal is incomplete. How Clients store information about other players has changed, so we’ll to discuss that before bringing the position tracking and update code into the mix.

  4. What are your specific goals for the next week?

    Goals for next week will be to finish position update rendering and ensure other information passed in player_messages can be transmitted and rendered as expected.

  5. What did you learn this week, if anything?

    I continued to gain more experience working with Boost and C++.

  6. How is your individual morale?

    My morale is high.