Level Design Objectives + Map Generation in Graphics
Player Damage Taken (Flashing HP + Player)
Accomplished Goal(s)
Player Damage Taken (Flashing HP + Player)
Objectives and Map is generated on the graphics client, although we need some tweaking for collisions to add more assets instead of the placeholder ones. (images on group report)
Example Attack Flashing Player
Missed Goal(s)
Next Week’s Goal(s)
I could not find a specific task for myself to do but I will be doing any of the following:
integrating HUD assets as they come in,
bug fixing (like characters cannot attack on the right side for some reason),
possibly implement a simple AI.
help other people’s tasks if they need it.
Sleep more, actually. I spent probably close to 15-20 hours working on CSE 125 in the past couple days where I sacrificed some sleep, so I can make my promised time for my PR. Many of the things that I thought would take 2-3 hours at most ended up taking a lot longer.
The thought that it’s week 8 bothers me. I can already see the time crunch that game developers typically have near the release date.