Week 9 Update

This took Sheila two hours
This is the cat’s butthole and Sam specifically requested it

Group Update

Game Play:

  • Jumping and gravity on player
  • Map generation with randomized trees
  • Colliders for trees, tiles, and players are done and somewhat optimized
  • Shooting mechanic works and correcting recognizes the closest object it collides with, so the groundwork for an HP system is basically all in place

Animations and graphics:

  • Player animations now change when they perform different actions
  • Player models now rotate their animations according to which way they are facing
  • Multiple players are able to connect, see each other move around, and see each others’ animations
  • Spot lights
  • New animations and models for different weapon mode


  • Huge overhaul to client structure, things are much cleaner and easier to understand now
  • Optimized data sent for map pieces

Individual Report


What were your concrete goals for the week?

  • Lobby
  • Different player classes
  • HP
  • Point system
  • Flag

What goals were you able to accomplish?

  • HP and point system were done by other people on the team
  • Created initial lobby and game starting code
  • Allows players to choose classes. Each class has a primary gun and a special gun that inflicts visual effects on enemies
  • Ported in flag mechanics, also implemented flag respawn, flag following, flag dropping, etc with James and other people.
  • Tried to come up with something funny to say for the last real reflection but failed.

What are your specific goals for the next week?


What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

– Burnout is real

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

Senioritis hits different, but we’re almost there


What were your concrete goals for the week?

Add sounds, integrate all the other rendering features we’ve been working on

What goals were you able to accomplish?

I got sounds working with fmod, which took more time than I was expecting just because there aren’t too many good tutorials for how to set it up. Most of them focused on the studio side of fmod. I also changed how the fog works, it becomes more red near one team’s base and blue near the other. Then I’ve been experimenting with putting point lights around the scene. They look pretty neat so far.

If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?

I wanted to get a little more done on the graphics and sound, we don’t have spatial audio and spot lights integrated yet. I’ve been a little busy with other classes, but I should have more time coming up. 

What are your specific goals for the next week?

I want to finish adding spot lights, and then help out with the other gameplay features we haven’t finished yet.

What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

The two hour tutorial fmod on YouTube is the only good one. 

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

Our game is a janky masterpiece, I love it


What were your concrete goals for the week?

Gameplay mechanics

What goals were you able to accomplish?

We’re at the stage in development where tiny features just get patched in day in day out in the span of an hour. And this week I’ve contributed to a lot of things that I forgot to keep track of. Most notably we started doing some audio in the game and I am proud to say I supplied the audio for the dogs and cats. We’ve also got win conditions, scoring, scoreboard UI, proper death handling, respawning, loading proper animations, the ability to press F to dab, proper health mechanics. Epic music also plays when you launch the game. We’re basically fortnite now. 

If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?

Nope, this week has been incredibly productive as well

What are your specific goals for the next week?

Final wrap-up and some features implemented and bug fixes 

What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

Who would’ve thought that in the end making a game is just largely software engineering and no knowledge of complex libraries and other weird things are required 

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

We were able to achieve a lot this week again, and I’m incredibly happy about the progress


What were your concrete goals for the week?

  • Create Lobby System and UI
  • Guns
  • Health mechanics

What goals were you able to accomplish?

  • Some guns created.
  • Health mechanic done.
  • We have a basic lobby and a UI for that.

If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?

I had a different idea for a lobby and game status state machine but I think for the sake of making good progress we went with a very hacky way of implementing it. It is fine as it is right now but if possible I would like to work on that more and build a better system for the same.

What are your specific goals for the next week?

PLAY TEST THE GAME AND HAVE FUN WITH IT. If we find bugs, we declare them as features.

What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

ImGui works sort of like a stateful system. It also had pretty crappy documentation so it was hard to figure stuff out. It probably took me 30 minutes to an hour just to find out how to change the color of the health bar from the default (a shade of yellow) to the current green.

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

This is basically the only class that I am focusing on this quarter and having fun at it. Like Shane said, I think I may have symptoms of Senioritis. I am at the phase where I just want to Pass in my other two courses. But I am pretty excited about the upcoming demos in the next week.

Sheila Pham

What were your concrete goals for the week?

Make new flag models and new weapon models and the corresponding animations for them. 

What goals were you able to accomplish?

Remade some pistol animations. Made shotgun, cat, rifle and dog models. Was able to add a container that stores lists of animations based on the gun model user chooses.

If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?

Make some slicker animations, adding effects to the shooting so it looks like bullets or smoke are coming out besides nothing. Don’t know how to hide and detach models. Starting animations at a certain time when switching key presses.

What are your specific goals for the next week?

Maybe add new texture for player so they look “different.” Maaaaybe make a hair model idk. Give the tree some damn bark.

What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

I am a great voice actor too. 

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

All our budget went to orange justice. These people driving me like a slave 



What were your concrete goals for the week?

Add more content to the UI, such as a scoreboard, player hp, weapon swapping, etc.

What goals were you able to accomplish?

So many things.
UI now has a scoreboard and displays gun state (ammo, reload, type).
There is a lobby where players can select their class and subsequently the guns they use.
There are a ton of new animations.
We have begun adding sounds.

If there were goals you were unable to meet, what were the reasons?

Of the goals planned, I think we met them.

What are your specific goals for the next week?

Final touches.

What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

I learned a little bit about animation switching and using the fmod library. 

What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

Crunch time baby! I think we can definitely get it done, might not be as polished.


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