May 13, 2022 & May 16, 2022
- summarize your overall status for the week
- UI transparencies work
- The new shader with lighting in merged with main
- Radius collision detection is implemented so players cannot drive off the map
- Particle systems are also working
- Music tracks are being made and beginning to be integrated
- add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in expressing your morale)
- Group morale is mixed. Some of us are feeling less motivated and some of us are feeling the time pressure.
Demo of our lighting (drive link if embed doesn’t work)

Individual Reports
- Concrete goals
- Accomplished goals
- Unmet goals
- Specific goals for next week
- Lessons this week
- Individual morale
- My goals for the week was to create new assets that would function as obstacles in game and spruce up the finalized map.
- I was able to complete most of the new assets planned the week prior.
- I had plans to start on UI, but only completed one element so far.
- I will be created the rest of the UI assets as well as setup up the final level that includes the new assets.
- I don’t believe I learned anything new this week.
- My morale is good, but I am a bit nervous.
- My goals for the week were to review and document the game logic code and figure out how to parse .fbx animations.
- I was able to figure out how to parse .fbx files using assimp and understand what components of the parsed data would be relevant for our animation transforms.
- I was unable to review the game logic code or actually implement the interpolation for animations because I was busy traveling this weekend.
- My specific goals for next week are to have a working animation implemented in our game and to be able to complete a full round of the game. I will also get our game running on the demo machines.
- I learned how to use assimp to load .fbx files for animation and how assimp structures its animation data.
- My individual morale is slightly low because I didn’t have much time to work on our game this weekend, but I expect to be locked in and more productive for the rest of the quarter.
- This week, I wanted to finish up implementing the UI transparency elements and successfully integrate particle systems. I also wanted to figure out how we’re going to read animations in.
- With Steven and Andrew’s help, these goals were all completed.
- None for this week!
- For next week, I would like to finish getting all UI elements displayed to the screen like the game timer, player’s scores, and player’s makeup levels. I also want to get the drips animation done. A stretch goal would be to finish up the animations for the makeup station, car collisions, and others.
- I learned how the gpu renders transparent elements. I also looked into assimp for the first time and fbx files. And I learned to make sure to test my assumptions when debugging code.
- My morale this week has recovered! I’m ready to get an MVP done this week!
- My goals last week were to finish the Network code and begin working with Steven on the Game Logic code.
- I finished up the network code, but was unable to work very much with Steven.
- I got very busy towards the end of the week with other classes, so I was unable to make time to understand his current Game Logic code and help him with it.
- Next week I need to integrate triggers between server and the client for both animations and audio. The server will need to tell the clients when to play an audio sound effect or render an animation, and the client will need to then perform that task.
- I learned how to initialize a struct to 0.
- Not super good because I haven’t been super helpful the past two weeks and there’s a lot I need to help work on.
- My concrete goals this week were to finish makeup stations and improve movement.
- I made it so that players collide with the outer ring of the map and added gravity. I also made it so that when the game runs for a certain amount of time, a winner is decided (for now this is just printed to the terminal server side). I also worked on sloped surfaces but did not finish.
- I didn’t finish makeup stations (I need to force the player to exit them still, but I should be able to finish them tonight) and worked on movement a lot less than I would’ve liked. Gravity and slopes took up a lot more time than I had expected.
- My goals for next week are to continue to improve movement, add a way to reset the game logic loop after the end of a match, and finish cleaning up my code so that it uses the server tick rate and constants. If time allows, I will revisit slopes or try out respawning as an alternative.
- This week, I learned that slopes are tricky to implement.
- My morale is low.
- My concrete goals for this week were to draft the game menu music and work on the audio engine for our client engine. If I had extra time, I would get this fully merged into our client so that it could respond to triggers.
- I was able to draft some sketches for our menu theme, win/lose theme, and some of the car sound effects. I worked with FMOD to load audio and play some of the music that I composed.
- I wanted to get more of the music finalized and set in stone, but got busy with other classes/concerts that I’m doing. Our audio engine still needs a bit of work and testing.
- My goal for this week is to be done with all the composing for our music and have our audio engine fully working.
- I learned a lot about linking libraries struggling with Irrklang and then pivoting to the FMOD library.
- My individual morale is a bit stressed with all the work that I have this week and being able to deliver our MVP by the end of this week.
- My main goal for this week was to complete the lighting and material system. A stretch goal was to work on animations.
- I completed the lighting and material systems: directional, point, and spot lights, light attenuation, specular maps are all implemented. I also made sure that lights could be moved in the scene (for headlights/ and other such things). I also improved the way that textures are loaded. These changes are demo-d in the video at the top of the report.
- I did not work on animations because of a combination of time constraints and my tasks being re-prioritized. Emily and Andrew worked on animation loading last week, and we are aiming to get animations working this week.
- Next week I may work on animations. I will definitely work to integrate our particle system with the shader. I am also planning to work on shadows and emission maps.
- I learned a lot about how opengl passes information to the shader. I also have a much better understanding of how lighting works.
- Generally feel good personally. My work is probably the most disconnected from the rest of the team, so there isn’t a ton of pressure feeling like I am blocking anyone.