- May 20
- May 23
Overall Status
This week we made progress on animations and the overall look of the game:
- Animations for the makeup station bar
- Touched up makeup station geometry
- Implemented slopes and currently debugging
- Emission maps are implemented for the scene
- UI icons for makeup level
- Start screen
Group Morale
Our group morale is low because we are pressed for a time and there are still a few features that need to be implemented, but we are still enjoying making our game.

Individual Reports
- Concrete goals
- Accomplished goals
- Unmet goals
- Specific goals for next week
- Lessons this week
- Individual morale
- My concrete goals for the weak were to create a couple more obstacle assets, complete the UI, and mock up a menu screen.
- I was able to complete the new models, create the UI, and mock up the menu screen.
- I was able to accomplish what I set out to do this week.
- For next week, I plan to create some sound effects and finish the menu and win screen.
- I learned some new Illustrator techniques while working on the UI.
- My morale is good for the coming weeks.
- My goals for this week were to implement restarting the game and to get the game working on the demo machines.
- I was able to implement restarts and set our game up on the demo machines. I had originally planned to finish out animations, but our group pivoted to non-assimp-based animations, which Emily completed.
- I accomplished all of my goals this week!
- My specific goals for next week are to test our game on the demo machines. I will also allocate time to help out other team members as needed.
- I learned how to do a simple reset mechanic using the existing client-server communication our group had set up.
- My individual morale is good.
- For this week, my goals were to implement our fake animation framework for the animations for the makeup station bar and the collision animation and to also implement the UI elements for the game.
- I was able to finish the animations, but I wasn’t able to finish the UI rendering. I tried implementing another shader for the text of the UI, but there is some issue, I think with the textures, that is causing the text to not render. I’m using freetype to render text.
- I think I was just too ambitious this week since I really wanted to hit our soft deadline to have our MVP by this week. The UI I think is really close, just integrating the freetype library took a little longer than expected as well. .
- This week I need to finish the UI. This involves getting the game time to render and count down. Getting the players’s scores to update based on the server’s response packets. Getting the player’s makeup level bar to reflect the player’s current makeup level status. Once that is complete, I’ll begin tuning some of the parameters that I haven’t touched yet. Like how the particles interact with the scene. Getting the car wheels to only rotate when the car is moving. That type of thing.
- I learned how to build an external library to integrate with our codebase this week! This is my first time doing that
- I’m definitely feeling the time pressure now and there’s still so much I want to get done, so I’m both a bit stressed but also super amped.
- Integrate animations and music from Game Logic (server side) to Graphics (client side) through the network
- Integrated animations
- Music code has not yet been finished, so I cannot integrate it yet
- Integrate the music through the network
- I learned about Steven’s game logic code. It works very well and is well organized
- My morale is okay. I feel like there isn’t much for me to help contribute right now, so I don’t feel like I can be very useful.
- My concrete goals this week were to continue to improve movement, add a way to reset the game logic loop after the end of a match, and finish cleaning up my code so that it uses the server tick rate and constants.
- I reworked movement to be a lot smoother and changed most things to use the tick rate (though some things, most notably player speed, don’t yet). I changed makeup booths to work with the new movement system and made more accurate bounding boxes for them. I also integrated with Evan’s code, so animations are working.
- Slopes still aren’t working (though I have a backup plan in case I don’t get them working) and Andrew handled resetting the game for me (thanks Andrew!).
- My goals for next week are to make sure all remaining obstacles have bounding boxes. I will also do some testing and debugging. I’ll continue working on slopes as well, though I will also block any pits with invisible walls in case they aren’t ready in time.
- This week, I learned that you can only fit so many letters in a coconut tree.
- My morale is decent.
- My concrete goals for this week were to finish the implementation for the audio engine and get that integrated into our client.
- I was able to make some progress in getting set up our audio metadata for our audio engine class to handle spatial audio playback.
- I was not able to finish implementing the audio engine class as I was busy preparing for my concert performances and events that happened this past weekend.
- My goals for this week are to be completely done with the audio engine and to compose the battle theme for our game.
- I learned this week more about audio engine class details and how many functions are needed for channel management and volume control.
- My individual morale this week is that I am behind on a lot of things, but thankfully this week, I’ll have more time to get caught up with everything.
- My goals this week were to implement emission maps and shadows.
- I fully implemented emission maps. I started on shadows, but don’t have any major progress.
- I was busy with other classes, so I wasn’t able to work as much on this project as I would have liked.
- I would like to finish shadows, and make sure that UI is working properly. A stretch goal would be implementing bloom.
- I learned a lot about shadow mapping and other techniques to render shadows. But since I haven’t implemented it yet, I don’t feel fully confident in the topic.
- My morale is generally positive. I definitely feel the time crunch now, especially with other classes in the picture. But I am confident that we can finish.