12 May 2014

Concrete goals

  • Finalize mockups for additional UI screens: tutorial(?)/scores(?)
  • Implement wireframe for gameplay UI
  • Create character selection screen with start button, unique character selection

Accomplished goals

  • As of yet, I have mostly accomplished research for the UI implementation (as DirectX and 2D objects are both newer to me). By the end of the night, I hope to have both of my goals accomplished:
  • Implement wireframe for gameplay UI
  • Create character selection screen with start button, unique character selection

Problems with meeting goals

  • Inexperience! Though hopefully reconciled tonight. :)

Goals for next week

  • Unfortunately, I had to miss tonight’s group meeting. Before our meeting tomorrow morning, I hope to talk to a couple of group members to discuss the best plan of attack for the week.
  • My (albeit generic) current goal for next week is to help out the group to ensure we’re where we want/need to be


  • Good, although starting to get anxious about the approaching deadline!

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