Kyler Schwartz - week 6 report
12 May 2014
Goals From Last Week
- Get the tube generation program working correctly so we can have a track to move the players along.
- Implement any more animations (like one for the Ecoli model).
- Get the animation loading working properly with the engine ( this might be done by tonight :D ).
Accomplished Goals
- Tube is being generated with texture mapped to it (may need to fine tune tube more).
- Animation and bump map unfortunately weren’t able to make progress on due to 127 project.
Problems with Meeting Goals
- Tube generation is working, however there are a few spots where the tube’s wall is a little corkscrewed. Need to figure out why that is occuring. Also bump mapping ran into a little bit of trouble but I have some ideas to get it to work.
- Tried different logic for generating the tube which could correct the above problem but the generated tube looked horrible so that was reverted.
Goals for Next Week
- Get bump mapping working properly on tube.
- Get animation for ecoli working.
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