Week 7 Status Report

Group Status Report:

  1. Summarize your overall status for the week
    1. Added+implemented sabotage items
      1. Poison
      2. Shovel
      3. Hoe
      4. Glue traps
      5. Intoxication – Farmer’s Ale
      6. Super oats
      7. Net
    2. Added plant growth items
      1. Watering can
      2. Fertilizer
    3. Added day/night phase
    4. Added sound system and imported some sounds
    5. Updated GUI
    6. We have a config file now!
  1. Include both the week # and the date of the meeting
    1. Week 7, meeting on May 17th
  2. add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in expressing your morale)
    1. Hella grind, every day, we dont rest, nothing can stop us, sleep doesn’t exist, the sun is a hoax, showers are a conspiracy theory made by the government to produce pestilential purple algae that will be used to clone Rick and bring him back to his former glory as the glorious supreme leader of CSE 30, all hail magic numbers and public static everything ? ? ? ? may he bless us with perfect dependencies and code that runs on the first try, did you know reading from std::out is the same as reading from std::in? something isn’t right here, we can’t trust anyone besides bumbus, its 6am, I’m going to bed, goodnight
  3. Screenshots

Day and night:
Ray-triangle intersection in d3d11 (realtime)

glue sabotage

Leaves and grass wind movement
Map UI:

Buying UI feat. fish + updated fertilizer selected:


Individual status reports:


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finish buying UI with fish + added tools
    2. Work on assets for the timer, winning screen, stamina
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Finished buying UI assets and the selection assets for existing items and new items
      1. Created item icons for the new items
    2. Timer asset’s also done
    3. Finally updated the pig scoreboard icon
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Winning asset is a WIP
    2. Decoration for the stamina bar is a hmmm
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Finish winning screen asset
    2. Revamp Farmer’s Market screen to make the pig look more consistent with the fish’s style
    3. Hopefully everything’s updated, but definitely jump on if more stuff gets added/more stuff needs 2D stuff; art never rests
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Resizing pixel art + preserving quality/proportions kinda sucks when you have to export the selection into its own thing and resize it separately; can’t even trust nearest neighbor
    2. I probably shouldn’t get ahead of myself and smash everything into one layer in case I need to move stuff around for the future
  6. Individual morale: A little scrambled, but it’s not related to this class <3 still hyped


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Implement lighting system (day and night phase over the course of 15 minutes)
    2. Animate the trees and the grass
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Lighting system done
    2. Trees and grass move with the wind
    3. Modified particle class to draw, added new animation modes specifically for particles
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Was asked to add more lighting sources that only appear in the night phase, I did not get to it though
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Implement light sources for the night phase
    2. Play more with post-processing features
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. glm has its linear interpolation function (lerp) called mix() but has its smooth linear interpolation function (slerp) as slerp() ?
  6. Individual morale:
    1. good gaem ?


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Implement sabotage tools
    2. Implement particles
    3. Get map prepared for animations
    4. Finish trading system
    5. Make a bunch of models for what we need
    6. Implement stamina
    7. Realtime raytracing
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Implemented sabotage tools with the homies
    2. Implemented 2 particles
    3. Prepared map for animations
    4. Made a bunch of models
    5. Implemented stamina
    6. Researched realtime raytracing for directX12
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Trading system not complete for tools
    2. Still need to make firefly particles
    3. Still need to make podium for winning scene
    4. Raytracting looks hard, will have to spend much more time on it
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Connect sabotage tools to UI
    2. Make+implement firefly particles
    3. Make podium for winning
    4. Implement golden eggplant event (night time events)
    5. Research realtime raytracing for the game
    6. Test and debug
    7. Connect stamina to UI
    8. Work on win condition
    9. Raytracing
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Circular dependencies are very very scary, avoid them with forward declarations! (Thanks Yaykob)
    2. Jennie taught me about neural networks
    3. Deep dish pizza is just bread lasagna
  6. Individual morale:
    1. While I was researching realtime raytracing, I decided to get some advice from the graphics programming subreddit. Some unprovoked guy from EA repeatedly called us idiots for thinking we could implement a realtime raytracer in 3 weeks. Things just got personal ?


  1. Concrete Goals:
    • Get Sound Engine Implemented
    • Get Physics Engine working properly with interactables
    • Do music
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    • Implemented Sound Engine
    • Made a couple cool sound effects
    • Fixed Physics Engine
    • Helped group fix other bugs such as particles not showing
    • Started designing demo realtime-raytracer in optix
      • Realtime raytracing works, all thats needed is to import models with assimp, and add animations/textures.
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    • No music made this week
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    • Finish making sound effects and implementing them
    • Make some music
    • Finish working on raytracer with Danica
      • Significant hurdles are animations and textures
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    • C++ is strange
    • Optix is strange
    • DirectX looks tough
  6. Individual morale:
    • Some guy from EA told us we couldn’t make a raytracing engine in 3 weeks and we just made a demo in one night
    • where’s our offer letter EA


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Do Gui stuff: fade in and out animation of images, timer spinner bar and etc
    2. connect timer display with server
    3. winning displays
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. fade in and out animation of images
    2. timer spinner
    3. finish the structure of most GUI displays
    4. refine minimap design
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. The winning displays, the timer spinner took longer than expected and I will works on it next weeks
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. The winning displays
    2. connect buy UI art images with structures
    3. sale UI confirmation page
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. feeling we are abusing imgui as it was supposed to be for sample debugging but we are using it for a lot of weird stuff…
    2. Need to review high school math (probably ate too much tuna) .
    3. how to do pixel art on ipad procreate!
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Feel I didn’t get too much done this week, will try to accomplish more next week.


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Utilize AABB collisions for map (tree collisions)
    2. Help implement sabotage system
    3. Debugging existing systems (NPCs, plot harvesting, etc.)
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Helped implement plot designation for players; each player has their own plot that is color coordinated! Players can only plant on their own plots now
    2. Debugged some stuff
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Didn’t get the time help on sabotage as much as I wanted to
    2. Add tree collisions to map; currently working on drawing the collisions for debug visualizations so it’s easier for us to put it on the map
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Help out finishing the items (Water/Fertilizer/Last sabotage item)
    2. Finish adding the debug visualizations for colliders
    3. Add static colliders to the map
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. I should probably get more sleep
  6. Individual morale:
    1. This week was really busy for me again with other projects and work, so I couldn’t contribute as much as I wanted to 🙁 I know for sure I will be more free later this week, so I’m excited to accomplish more for this game and finish it off!


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finish all sabotageables
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Added plot ownership to incentivize sabotage: only the owner can plant and harvest, but everyone can sabotage
    2. Sabotageable tools:
      1. Shovel to destroy a single pot and any unharvested vegetable/seed in it
      2. Hoe to create a new plot
      3. Net to steal vegetables from any plot (since only the owner is normally allowed to harvest)
      4. Poison to kill vegetables on any plot (and turn it into a green blob as a visual indicator)
      5. Glue to spawn a GlueOnGround which traps players for some amount of time, making it easier for others to steal from the victim
      6. Farmer’s ale to make the other player slide around and make movements more uncontrollable
      7. Super oats (not a sabotageable but a buff) to give more stamina to allow the player to sprint for longer
    3. Started watering can and fertilizer, they have a working model, possibly going to add the logic for growth on Monday night
      1. Also planning to put a little sign above the veggies saying they need to be watered/fertilized, is happening next week and need to coordinate with Graphics
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Loading screen UI again, because I deprioritized it to partially jump plant watering and fertilizing ahead of our schedule
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Finish watering and fertilizing
    2. Actually polish the UI, if no other more important thing comes up
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. JetBrains rock, I switched to Rider and is so much nicer to navigate, code, and use in general
    2. C++ static is annoying to figure out. I had a possible solution to the loading screen thing that involves caching something to a static map, but I deprioritized it since I couldn’t immediately figure out how to make it work
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Finally done with midterm season, really happy that I can finally focus on 125 without worrying about other classes

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