Week 9 Status Report

Group Status Report:

  1. Summarize your overall status for the week
    1. Squashed bugs
    2. More UI stuff!
  2. Include both the week # and the date of the meeting
    1. Week 9, meeting May 31st
  3. add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in expressing your morale)
    1. We’re bug squashers
  4. Screenshots

Squashing bugs:

Individual status reports:


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finish all remaining necessary 2D assets
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Delicious vegetable icons for selling confirmation UI
    2. Additional signs (eggplant spawning, two-minute home stretch)
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. N/A
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Help tie up loose ends with the rest of the team (e.g. assets besides 2D)
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Small corn kernels suck to paint, but big spherical objects are more fun; shout out to tomatoes, they have never let me down
  6. Individual morale: Still a little all over the place but extremely excited for our game


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Add Danica’s skybox to game
    2. Add point light to NPC
    3. Add point light to eggplant during night phase (if held)
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Add Danica’s skybox to game
    2. Add point light to NPC
    3. Add point light to eggplant during night phase (if held)
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. N/A
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. More playtesting
    2. Clean up code
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. No one likes dried mango except me. i like dried mango. its good. great even
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Excited for Friday C:


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Skyboxes
    2. Eggplant stuff
    3. Squash bugs
    4. Raytracer
    5. Testing
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Skyboxes
    2. Eggplant stuff
    3. Squash bugs
    4. Testing
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Raytracer
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Continue testing and squashing bugs
    2. Raytracing
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Movement vectors
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Not great (because of outside factors), but still working


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finish SFX
    2. Finish Music
    3. Make Significant Progress on raytracer
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Finish SFX
    2. Made 2 minute timer music
    3. minor progress on raytracer
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Raytracer will likely not be able to be fully implemented
    2. need night music, and victory music
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. night music
    2. victory music
    3. camera automation on victory
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. raytracing is very hard, and getting assets to be drawn, deleted, animated, etc with particles as well, is an entire other project that we won’t have time for
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Our game looks really good, and there’s just some bugs to fix and balancing to do before it’s demo ready!


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finishing Character Selection Page
    1. sell Confirmation UI
    2. Timely event sign: Eggplant spawn and two min remaining
    3. flashing and change color of timer when only 2 min left
    4. make UI adapt to full screen setting and black-fill the background of UI image
    5. Play test
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Character Selection
      1. Complete character Selection page with another client-server sync packet and UI reflects the choices of other player and takes in user input.
      2. Move client socket initialization after the file pre-loading so all client enter the character selection at the same time.
      3. Change tint color for the selected character and change color of the hovered character name.
    2. sell confirmation
      1. add additional field in the server header to determine the object player is holding and whether to open sell UI
      2. remove all the hard code logic
      3. Refactor the font
    3. Signs
      1. add additional field in the header about when the eggplant sign should be trigger ( I was thinking about if I should just hardcoded the time the sign shows as the time is hardcoded in the gamemanager, but it is better practice to make it dynamic)
      2. The 2 min remaining sign will just use the remaining-sec variable in the timer
      3. The sign will fade in on trigger and fade out after 5 sec
    4. Flashing Timer
      1. The spinner and text of timer will turn red when there is only 2min remaining and the text will start flashing. I tried to flash both text and spinner but it looks kinda weird so only the text is flashing now.
    5. Refactor the math to make image background of UI to have black fill background
    6. fix the bug that if you watering on an empty pot the server crash ( it was the one line if statement {} thing.
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. Nothing really
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. just keep play test!
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Human are more productive when it is close to deadline
  6. Individual morale: Great! Just a bit anxious about the flight back home after quarter end


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Debugging general game bugs/colliders
    2. Polishing
    3. Fullscreen functionality
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Enabled fullscreen
    2. Fixed a bug where it crashed the game when minimized
    3. Added and tweaked the last few static/interact colliders on the map + NPC
    4. Helped debug Sphere to AABB collision resolution
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. N/A
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Debugging, polishing, and finish things up
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Debugger is still the best
  6. Individual morale:
    1. Excited for next week and finishing things up!


  1. Concrete Goals:
    1. Finish character selection
    2. Polish GUI
    3. General debug
  2. Accomplished Goals:
    1. Character selection
      1. Changed Player object instantiation to match with the client’s selection
      2. Reordered the scoreboard to match the char selection order
      3. For characters not selected, remove the scoreboard entry and the minimap icon
      4. Client displays which player has selected which character in the char selection screen
      5. Added logic to change selection, as long as the last player hasn’t chosen yet
      6. Added logic so the selection cursor jumps over selected characters
    2. UI changes
      1. After taking input from several testers, we decided to change the font of the buy and sell screen
      2. Properly cleaned up the GUI text punctuation, leading & trailing whitespaces, etc.
    3. Miscellaneous new mechanics:
      1. Eggplants now spawn deeper, so it’s harder to spot
      2. Players move slower when carrying the eggplant (because it’s huge and heavy)
      3. Prevent stealing from player who’s confirming their sale to the NPC
    4. Miscellaneous debug:
      1. Pressing escape now closes the sell confirmation UI (in case a player doesn’t want to sell for whatever reason)
      2. Changed the model render order to draw the particles last. This fixes some bugs where the particles blocks other objects
      3. Fixed a bug where pressing the right arrow doesn’t make the selection go to the shovel when the cursor is at the Farmer’s Ale
      4. Fixed crashes on attempts to delete a non-existent object in the game manager.
      5. Fixed some bugs when dropping and deleting items after the introduction of some sounds
  3. Goals Not Accomplished:
    1. N/A
  4. Goals For Next Week:
    1. Sad there is no next week
  5. What I’ve learned this week:
    1. Spreading the IntelliJ gospel to Jakob, like how the IDE can figure out which variables you want just by typing the word initials (e.g. it recognizes teplcnam as “temporaryPlayerCharName”)
  6. Individual morale: Am tired trying to get all school work done by this week so I can just focus on 125 on week 10, but otherwise am excited for demo day and really like how polished our game is becoming

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