[hide]Coding Rules
Name Conventions
- Meaningful variable names.
- Not-capitalized camel case for functions & variables
- Capitalized camel case for classes.
- Constants have all caps and underscores.
Function header conventions
Here's a tentative version of the function header convention, with examples in italics
/* function description this current object sends a message parameter: description of what it does curSocket: the socket we'll send the message through What it returns Returns the number of bytes it was able to send, or an error value if unable to send Special notes ERROR CHECK the return value */
Other Conventions
- Author functions and changes.
Memory and Object Management
1. Every object is responsible for deleting itself (by returning 'true' on update, which tells the object manager to delete it).
2. Notify the object manager immediately whenever an object is created (by calling add)
3. All objects have a unique id that is returned by the object manager and passed in to the constructor
4. new/malloc/calloc can only be called within a constructor or the object manager, and must have a corresponding delete/free in the destructor.
5. Pointers to objects should not be kept beyond a function call; objects should access other objects only through the Object Manager, via that object's ID
Status Report Help
Go to Main page and click on your name (or click your name at the top).
Write your status report there =D, here's an example:
Or here's mine xD:
Note, you'll have to create an account first =) (Go to Create account at the top)
Debugging Help
My Code Won't Compile
Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory
You need to add DirectX to your Visual Studio Project.
- Right-Click your Project, go to Properties
- Under Configuration Properties, go to VC++ Directories
- Click the down arrow next to Include Directories, select Edit
- Click the folder icon, then the ... button, browse to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include, click Select Folder, click OK
- Do the same thing with Library Directories (but with \Lib\x86 for the lab machines instead of \Include), click Apply, then OK, then Recompile =)
My Code Won't Run
Unable to Connect to Server!
You need to run both the client and server projects at once, to set that up:
- Right-Click the Solution, go to Properties
- Under Common Properties, go to Startup Project
- Select Multiple startup projects
- Next to client and server, go to the drop down (where it says None) and select Start
Model Help
Model Scale
The current convention for scale is that a human is 1 square in 3DSMax
Models in Game
- Relative to the camera's initial position, Positive Z is forward.
- If you want to view an object, (0, 0, 100) is a good coordinate relative to the camera.
Git Help
When first starting to use git on a computer, you must configure it with your username and email:
$ git config --global "username" $ git config --global
Repository Init
To clone the repository, run the git clone
command. This will pull down every version of every file to your local file allowing you to modify and edit to your hearts content before pushing again to the server. Clone the repository with git clone [url]
. For our project, use either:
$ git clone $ git clone
Local Repository Management
Staging Files
Files in a git directory can exist as either tracked or untracked. Tracked files can be modified, unmodified or staged (ready to be added to the next commit). To check the status of your repository, run:
$ git status
To add a new file to be tracked by git, run:
$ git add [file]
After modifying a file, git will not automatically add it to its next commit, to add the modifications you have made in your file to the next commit, run the git add [file]
again. Lastly, if you make any changes to the file after you have staged it with add
, you must run the git add
command again to stage the new changes.
Ignoring Files
We are going to want to ignore certain files like the visual studio user files, object files in our build folder, etc. To ignore these, modify the .gitignore file found in the top directory. Here's an example .gitignore found in the git documentation:
# a comment - this is ignored # no .a files *.a # but do track lib.a, even though you're ignoring .a files above !lib.a # only ignore the root TODO file, not subdir/TODO /TODO # ignore all files in the build/ directory build/ # ignore doc/notes.txt, but not doc/server/arch.txt doc/*.txt # ignore all .txt files in the doc/ directory doc/**/*.txt
Removing Files
To remove files from git run:
$ git rm [file]
This will unstage the file for your next commit.
Moving Files
Git does not track moved or renamed files, but it provides the git mv
command which moves and re-adds the file for you:
$ git mv [OLD_NAME] [NEW_NAME]
Commits in git are pretty simple. Once you have the files staged, you can run the git commit
command to commit the staged changes. You should run commit with the -m
option which will allow you to add a commit message without the console opening up another program:
$ git commit -m 'commit message goes here'
Alternatively if you know that you want to include all your changes in your next commit, you can add the -a
option which will automatically commit all tracked files with changes. You will still need to stage any untracked files however.
$ git commit -am 'commit message goes here'
Remember that all commits are local to your machine and will always commit to your local checked out branch.
Viewing Commits
There are two main tools to look at your commit history. (Once we have a lot of branches going simultaneously this will be VERY helpful). The first is the git log
command. I really like the command with the following options because it produces a history in one line format with a ASCII graph (Yay ASCII art!) on the left:
$ git log --graph --decorate --all --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
This is a lot to type each time so I created an alias called git hist
through the git config
$ git config --global alias.hist 'log --graph --decorate --all --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'
When using these options, you will have to press q to exit the log.
The second commit hist tool is the git diff
command. This will show more detailed differences in the commit history. I am not very familiar with this command so if you find useful info, feel free to add it below:
$ git diff
Branching in git is awesome. Period. Do not be afraid to create a new feature branch when you're experimenting or developing a new feature. It can always be merged back into the develop branch or deleted.
Creating Branches
To create a new branch, you checkout to a new branch. This can be done explicitly:
$ git branch new_branch $ git checkout new_branch
or switching to it immediately:
$ git checkout -b new_branch
Switching Branches
To switch between branches, you can simply checkout the branch with:
$ git checkout branch_name
Keep in mind every time you checkout a branch, it resets your working directory to look like the snapshot that branch points to. If you have any uncommited work on your current branch you will lose it unless you run a local commit.
Say we have done a lot of work in our current branch and we want to merge back into our develop branch, first checkout the develop branch. Then run a merge with the feature branch:
$ git checkout develop $ git merge feature_branch --no-ff
If the merge
Always use the --no-ff
option otherwise git will remove the history of the feature branch and merge the history into the develop branch history (or whatever branch you are merging into) making it much harder to revert to branch history if needed.
Merge Conflicts
You will never have to manually fix merge conflicts unless the changes in the branches you are merging modify the same part of the same file. In this case git will spit out an error and tag the file with <<<<<<<
and >>>>>>>
. The version of the file in your HEAD (the currently checked out branch) will appear above the =======
and the version you are trying to merge in will appear below. You will have to open the file and fix the conflict and then remove the <<<<<<<
and >>>>>>>
markup when you finish. You can also set up a gui conflict merge tool and use it with the command:
$git mergetool
Branch Management
A list of all branches can be shown with
$ git branch
adding the -v
will add the hash and one line description of the last change to the branch.
To delete a branch if references are no longer needed (ie. in after applying a hotfix, preparing a release or closing out a feature), use the command:
$ git branch -d branch_name
Remote Branches
Remote branches are references to the state of branches on your remotes. They appear in the form (remote)/(branch)
. If you do work on a branch and someone their own version of the branch to the server, your histories will move forward differently (essentially just two different branches). To push your own changes you must first synchronize your work locally:
$ git fetch origin
This command will fetch all data that the server has and you don't. This will move your local versions of origin/(branch)
to their current positions on the server.
When you want to share a branch you run:
$ git push (remote) (branch)
If the remote branch is already tracked (for example the origin/master or origin/develop branches). You can simply run:
$ git push
You can also push a local branch to a remote branch with a different name with:
$ git push origin local_name:remote_name
That being said, let's try to keep our branch names the same for organization sake.
If the server branch positions are different than your current local branch positions, you must merge in the origin/(branch)
then you are ready to push to the server:
$ git fetch origin ... $ git checkout develop $ git merge --no-ff origin/develop $ git push develop
You can also pull the server copy of your current branch down with:
$ git pull
To track a branch that someone has put up on the server, you can use the git checkout
command. Either one of these methods should work (the latter works only in v1.6.2 or later):
$ git checkout -b [branch] [remotename]/[branch] $ git checkout --track [remotename]/[branch]
Checking out the second way will automatically create a local branch with the same name as the one on the server.
If you need to delete a branch on the server (for example, we know that a feature is officially closed and all work has been moved in) you can use:
$ git push [remote] :[remote_branchname]
DirectX Help
- I found this one super useful (particularly with my non-graphics background =P) it explains how the transformation matrix works:
3D Studio Max
Notes from the Workshop
- or are good tutorial sites
- PandaExporter: Export from 3DStudioMax to .x files (but doesn't support our version...)
- Maybe convert from .3ds to .x, but 3ds is mesh info, .obj is standard, neither support animation
- So we'll need collaata or fbx for animation
- Texturing:
- Make the textures in photoshop (or find them online), make sure they don't have seams, make sure they're 1024 at most in size
- Mesh = point data that tells program where surface is, basically you tell it what colors go there.
- If you just throw your texture on your 3D model, you'll see the seams (lines) which is bad.
- Tell renderer what vertices to map to what points on the renderer (thrown unwrap UVW)
- UVW: Coordinate system that says what vertex maps to what parts of the texture. So use UVW editor.
- Drop down to face selector to see what quads map to what parts of the texture
- Ctrl + A -> Flatten Mapping, upwraps model (quick but not very good)
- Back-Front mapping keeps bulge as whole unit, which we might be ok with
- Set x position of vertices on edge to the same (press u? and then they'll line up)
- Ok, so once you're done unwrapping (save as png) you bring to photoshop and paint it
- Careful with not painting upside down! Use the UVW Editor to look at what you're painting.
- When you paint, you can go outside the lines, because it just won't be mapped to the model.
- Don't save it with the wireframe! (the green lines)
- When you're down, you just drag it on your model!! =D
- Animation:
- 3D Studio Max supports bones! Create bone objects (Create->Systems), there's a biped model!
- Edit Envelopes - edit what vertices it affects
- Slider at the bottom: time bar, this is keyframe animation
- Hit Autokey to start animating, note we're animating the bones, not the model. To turn off, hit autokey.
- Hit play to see your animation!
- To export animation:
- Save in format that supports animation
- Make sure animation is checked