Week 9 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Squashed bugs More UI stuff! Include both the week # and the date of the meeting Week 9, meeting May 31st add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in expressing your morale) We’re bug squashers Screenshots Squashing bugs: Individual status […]
Week 8 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week With winning added, MVP is done Made our game look better and added some JUICE Include both the week # and the date of the meeting Week 8, meeting on May 24th add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in […]
Week 7 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Added+implemented sabotage items Poison Shovel Hoe Glue traps Intoxication – Farmer’s Ale Super oats Net Added plant growth items Watering can Fertilizer Added day/night phase Added sound system and imported some sounds Updated GUI We have a config file now! Include both the week # […]
Week 6 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Added dancing Added minimap Finished trading/selling Added new loading screen Improved network robustness, crashed in one client no longer propagate through the entire system Include both the week # and the date of the meeting Week 6 meeting on May 10th add a statement summarizing […]
Week 5 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Finished planting, growing and harvesting features Client-Server connected, 4 players can play! UI pushed to main, looks amazing but has yet to be connected Map added (might be too big?? not sure) Loading screen pushed (SO CUTE, ask us about it!) Alistair joined our team […]
Week 4 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Created and connected client and server (decoupled simulation and rendering, migrated simulation to the server) Finished “pickup” and “drop” Added toon shaders More assets added Working on UI Include both the week # and the date of the meeting Tuesday April 26th at 10AM, Week […]
Week 3 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Worked on gameplay logic and general game structure Include both the week # and the date of the meeting Week 3. Date of meeting is Tuesday April 19tth add a statement summarizing the group morale (feel free to be creative in expressing your morale) HYPED […]
Week 2 Status Report
Group Status Report: Summarize your overall status for the week Status is on track: Animations are working for graphics end — models, textures, and animations loaded in for dummy models Client side code for client-server network has been written (functional style callback for the main network loop added) First character (Bumbus) has been modeled, textured, […]