Bryan's weekly reports.
Status: "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, team. We've got work to do."
Current Task:
- Check collision boxes
- Change tentacle move animation so it retracts
To Dos:
- Stats screen background image
Done an Iteration On
- Start screen player icons (update)
- Phase Icons
- Speech
- Story (Outline is in status report)
- Review
- Phase Tracker
- Phase Icon on screen
- Tentacle Testing
- Tentacle Angling towards Player
- Fix start screen player ready
- Update the info-text/HUD tutorial text for each player
- Create a player label (Cyborg, Shooter, etc)
- Player HUD (Heart)
- Adjust tentacle positions
- Work with Justina on consistent tentacle look
[hide]Week 9 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Unless there's a vote otherwise, tentacle texture is done
- Tentacle idle start position
- Transparent Window Model
- Probe animation
- Slam and Idle animation + collision boxes
- Tentacle Angling towards player so slam works
- Tentacle Collision Boxes for:
- Probe
- Move
- Spike
- Slam (therefore it should be for both attack and combo)
- Idle
- Deal with start screen
Goals This Week
- Tentacle animation
- Tentacle Collision Boxes
- Note what people feel doesn't make sense in the current animations
Goals Next Week
- Report
Week 8 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Tentacle with Probe
- HUD in the Develop Branc
- Thinner Tentacle HUD
- Main screen
- Better fitting player HUD
- Made Health bars actually indicate a percentage of health
- Differentiate player type (cyborg)
- Have a menu instead of text for instructions
Goals This Week
- Ensure Player Models are in the game
- Tentacle Texture
- Wall transparency!
- Tentacle Collision boxes
- Tentacle Angling towards Player
- Testing Tentacle
- Check that Probe tentacle animation is in current project
Goals Next Week
- Lighting on the HUD
- Start screen player icons
- Fourth Player
Week 7 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Make current tentacle texture actually look good
- Animations for the tentacles
- Textured the tentacle
- Made Health bars actually indicate a percentage of health
- Make a better looking HUD (via addition of images)
Goals This Week
- Update HUD elements
- Thinner tentacle
- Metal Player HUD (if there's a choice on size, make it smaller)
- Synch with Franklin about the character selection
- Ensure we have character selection
- Make prettier images
- Once this is made, make the HUD different based on class (say name of class, or name the power based on class)
- Ensure we have character selection
- Synch with Nathan about collision to see if we can detect a collision and then change trajectory
- Make tentacle stop when it hits a static object, or if it doesn't work then prevent the tentacle from slamming
- Assist in Environment Texturing
Goals Next Week
- ?
Week 6 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Moving collision boxes in time with a slam attack
- Made new tentacle model
- Figured out easy way to create tentacle animations
Goals This Week
- Animations for tentacles
- Finish tentacle
- New Texture
Goals Next Week
- 2d interfaces = looking better
Week 5 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Worked with Sweep attack enough to realize it's a bit ungainly
- Created slam attack animation
Goals This Week
- Moving collision boxes in time with a slam attack
Morale Hm.
Week 4 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Assist other content creation if necessary for MVP
- Create structure for Tentacle AI
- Created a tentacle sweep animation
Goals This Week
- Make sweep attack effective (collision boxes for instance)
Week 3 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Find way to export from 3ds Max to .x format
- Assist Graphics Test
- End to end environment/object set
Goals This Week
- Create Tentacle AI
- Perfect the Tentacle Model and animations
- Assist other content creation if necessary for MVP
Goals Next Week
- ?
Week 2 Report
Goals Accomplished
- Integrate future projects with version control
- Create Basic Graphics (need to still import new models, but we have a 3d space that we can import into)
- Create a Model class that keeps a reference to the object (aka references the SceneGraph we'll use).
- Integrate graphics & client together
Goals This Week
- Find way to export from 3ds Max to .x format
- Assist Graphics Test
- End to end environment/object set
Goals Next Week
- Creating a player or tentacle + it's AI?
Morale Ditching past annoyances for a brighter future.
Week 1 Report
Goals Accomplished
- We got ideas working!
- We created a client connects to a server
- Created a network setup that we'll build towards (if the client has it's own IP address, it creates a server, otherwise it assumes the server is at that address).
Goals This Week
- Integrate future projects with version control
- Create Basic Graphics
- Create a Model class that keeps a reference to the object (aka references the SceneGraph we'll use).
Goals Next Week
- Integrate graphics & client together
- Make the server and client communicate
Morale Thumbs Up! :)