From Group 4
[hide]Week 1 Report
What I did
- Worked on Project Spec/Schedule with the team
- Made git repo ready for use and added help documentation for the team
- Researched XAudio2, FMOD and DirectSound
- Started concept sketches for game environments
What I'm doing this week
- Selecting our audio framework
- Beginning work on audio engine
- Finishing ship bay and bridge/cockpit concept art
What I'm doing next week
- Begin integrating the audio engine
- Sound design for boss and one character
- Begin sketching out musical ideas
- Start environment modeling
Week 2 Report
What I did
- Experimented with different audio libraries. Decided on FMOD
- Started implementing an audio engine for the game
- Continued with concept sketches
What I'm doing this week
- More environment concept sketches
- Modeling a basic box for our environment/arena
- Working on audio engine.
What I'm doing next week
- Finish audio engine integration
- Start sound design for effects
- Refine environment with better models/textures
Week 3 Report
What I did
- Started modeling the environment
- Relearned 3ds Max
- Exported the basic environment box for game testing
- Completed basic framework for audio engine
What I'm doing this week
- 1st iteration of the larger environment model
- Continuing work on audio engine integration
- Adding basic textures to the environment
What I didn't get to do
- Start sound effect design
What I'm doing next week
- More environment modeling
- Complete audio engine integration
- Start working on sound design
Week 4 Report
What I did
- Exported the first basic environment model!
- Got music playing through FMOD
- Started prop modeling
- Started environment texturing
What I'm doing this week
- Environment textures
- Exporting environment height maps
- Creating a sound bank class for game objects to use
Week 6 Report
What I did
- Continued modeling the arena
- Started exporting the rest of the wall height maps
What I'm doing this week
- Switching focus to the audio engine
- Finishing the framework for objects playing sound effects
- Sound effects for the player
What I didn't get to do
- Texturing of the arena :(
- Last of the environment modeling
What I'm doing next week
- Sounds and music!
Morale Excited to switch gears to audio!
Week 8 Report
What I did
- Finished basic audio engine implementation
- Merged audio into develop branch
- Finished height map export
What I'm doing this week
- 3d audio
- Sound effect design and implementation
- Music!
What I didn't get to do
- As many sound effects as I intended
- 3d audio
What I'm doing next week
- As much sound and music as I can
Morale Excited! Everything's coming together!