[hide]Week 9 Report
What I did
- Tentacle Placements - Adding HEAD model to game, fixed placements and orientations - Head collision boxes - Adding elevator shaft + collision boxes - Changed cyborg power so it's usable
What I didn't do
- Player Animations Logic, adding player model: waiting on the model for that - Go through todos and go through warnings: Franklin did that - look for logic optimizations: Probably won't have time for this one... - change one use variables to static or consts: Same here...
What I'm doing this week
- Put in player model and animation logic
- Prepare for demo
- Play test and fix numbers
- Phases for the game
- Smart heads that counteract player attacks!
- Maybe fix tentacle collision boxes
What I'm doing next week
- Final Report?
Week 8 Report
What I did
- Collision boxes for arena
- Monster head logic
- Integration of all the things
What I didn't do
- Elevator shaft, need hmap collision for that
What I'm doing this week
- Tentacle Placements - Player Animations Logic, adding player model - Adding HEAD model to game - Head collision boxes - Adding elevator shaft + collision boxes
- Go through todos and go through warnings - look for logic optimizations - change one use variables to static or consts
What I'm doing next week
- DEMO!!!!
Week 7 Report
What I did
- Tentacle attacks/moves!
- Tentacle switch position!
- Integrate all tentacle animations
- Fog logic with Suman's graphics
- Welded all the things in the arena model
What I didn't do
- Shooting, waiting on news of the head model for that
What I'm doing this week
- Collision boxes for arena
- Monster head powers
- Add holes to elevator shaft
- Integration
What I'm doing next week
- Bug Fixing/Testing probably?
- More integration!
Week 6 Report
What I did
- Tentacle idle collision boxes
- Roll tentacle to player
- Push away attack logic
- Ask Hiram for space texture
- We got a space texture!
What I didn't do
- Tentacle Smash attack: Bryan did that =)
- Smash combo: Working on that this week
What I'm doing this week
- More tentacle attacks! Working with Bryan/Suman for that
- Defensive rage firework push away
- Fog
- Shooting goo
- Spiking out
- Collision boxes for that...
- Finish Modelling the arena...
What I'm doing next week
- Testing/Bug Fixing
- Head Monster logic
Week 5 Report
What I did
- Merged player animation into develop
- Added ability to rotate models programatically
- Moved initial scaling and rotating to config file
- Fixed multiple animated player rendering (I use the different filenames hack)
- Charge special power for the first character!
- Multiple phases for the boss!!
- Planed out timeline for everyone
- View collision boxes on the client
What I'm doing this week
- Tentacle smash attack
- Roll tentacle to player
- Tentacle collision boxes
- Smash combo attack
- Push away attack
- Ask Hiram for space texture
What I'm doing next week
- Head attacks
- Head collision boxes
Week 4 Report
What I did
- Attempt to render two animated tentacle models
- Found a bug with XAnimator!! It's a skinning bug, I think. Because it tries to re-use mesh data for different models with the same filename, it renders all of the animated tentacles in the same spot. This happens only with skeletal animated models (so, for instance, our bouncing ball is fine).
- Possible options:
- Re-name all instances of the model filename, so XAnimator reloads the mesh data (how inefficient would this be?)
- Use another library for loading models, ex. DarkGDK
- Have Justina not do skeletal animation
- Player attack logic! A player can attack the tentacle by using the right trigger
- Render a player model, add scaling to the code so we don't have to keep asking the artists to re-size their models
- Monster attack logic, a monster no longer diminishes player health whenever they touch, it does it sporadically, between random intervals and for a random period of continuous time frames, after the attack period is over, the monster pushes you away
- Rendering the arena!
- Cleaned up code (got rid of mostly all warnings and todo comments) and got it ready for MVP, pushed to master! =D
- The only warnings we still have are 6 that complain about not having debug info for the XAnimator library
What I didn't do
- Tentacle collision boxes, since I took over rendering the arena, suman started on this so we have the capability for it. Bryan's taking over it for this week.
What I'm doing this week
- Merging player animation into develop
- Adding model rotating capability programatically
- First character special power (charge!)
- Particle effects for the charge maybe? (cloud of dust!)
- Second monster phase (eventually heads, tentacles is fine now)
- (If we have time) Start shooting logic for second character
What I'm doing next week
- Tentacle smash attack
- Roll tentacle to player
- Tentacle collision boxes
- Smash combo attack
- Push away attack
- Ask Hiram for space texture
Week 3 Report
What I did
- Basic HUD that displays player number and health with Suman
- Fixed 3rd Person Camera with Suman
- Better Control Mapping (map to camera and player movement) with Suman
- Jumping!
- And Wall Jumping!!!!!
What I'm doing this week
- Attack/Death logic with the tentacle model
- Render tentacle model
- Tentacle collision boxes
What I'm doing next week
- More attacks/different characters (shooter)
Week 2 Report
What I did
- Xbox control mapping
- Integrate with engine, control rotating cone
- Network Integration into engine
- Echo Server!
- Real Server!!!!!
- Help with the render engine that makes a cone rotate!
What I didn't get to do
- Config File: Franklin did that
- Debug console: Suman/Nathan did that
What I'm doing this week
- Basic HUD with Suman
- Fix Camera with Suman
- Better Control Mapping (map to camera and player movement) with Suman
What I'm doing next week
- Attack/Death logic
Week 1 Report
What I did
- Worked on Project Spec/Schedule with the team
- Created GitHub repo
- Worked on character controls
- Started the wiki
What I'm doing this week
- Write an engine that makes a cube spin
- Construct render engine with Suman and Nathan
- Config File
- Debug Console
- XBox Control mapping
What I'm doing next week
- Physics Engine
- Integrate network with game engine
- Integrate physics and rendering through network