[hide]Week 1 Progress Report
What I did this last week
- Talked to everyone about the design/direction of the project.
- Sketched up various ideas for concept art, settled on Space Pirates.
- Sketched out Player 1 (Captain) concept, Player 2 (Sharpshooter) Model.
What I am going to do this week
- Finish sketching up Player 3 (Strategist), Player 4 (Engineer), Boss parts
- Help with graphics (object loading/camera/basic classes etc)
What I am doing next week
- Start making models for Player 1, Boss
- Start basic animations for them
- Finish up camera, anything else left over from 2nd week
- Collision?
- Other basic rendering stuff
Week 2 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Sketched out some boss parts
- Started on modeling boss tentacle
What I am going to do this week
- Get rest of tentacle modeled
- Get Player 1 modeled
- Test basic animation
- Sketch out Player 3, 4
What I am doing next week
- Get Player 2, 3 modeled
- Basic animations for models
- Textures
- Helping with graphics?
Week 3 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Created tentacle model, animation
- Created a base person model
What I am going to do this week
- Finish player 1 model, start on animation
- Sketch player 3,4?
What I am doing next week
- Start on player 2 model
- Start on monster head
Week 4 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Worked on player 1 model, progress slow :(
What I am going to do this week
- Finish player 1 model and animate
- Texture player 1 model
- Texture tentacle?
- Work on monster head
What I am doing next week
- Work on player 2 model
- Finally sketch out player 3,4 :|
Week 5 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Continuing work on player 1
- Set up UV texture for tentacle, working on texture itself
What I am going to do this week
- UV texturing for player 1
- Finish tentacle texture
- Start work on monster head
- Work on animations for player 1, tentacle
- I keep listing this but player 3/4? orz
What I am going to do next week
- Start on player 2 model
- Any other stuff I end up not being able to finish this week
Week 6 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Finished UV unwrapping player 1, started on texture
- Finished tentacle texture
What I am going to do this week
- Finish player 1 texture
- Rig and animate player 1
- Actually start on monster head
- Any more tentacle work?
What I am going to do next week
- Player 2 model?
- Probably continue work on monster head
Week 7 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Finished player 1 texture
- Rigged player 1, ran into some animation problems
- Started on monster head
What I am going to do this week
- Animate player 1
- Finish monster head(texture/rigging)
- Animate monster head
- Start on cannon arm for player 1 model?
What I am going to do next week
- probably continue animations
- "Player 2" arm cannon, anything else needed for player differentiation
Week 8 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Finished rigging/most of texture of monster head
- Fixed some rigging problems with player 1
- Started on monster head animations
What I am going to do this week
- Finish Monster head animations
- Finish player animations
What I am going to do next week
- Model arm cannon for other players
- Fix up textures/animation for them
- Any other icons/splash pages/etc?
Week 9 Progress Report
What I did last week
- Finished monster head animations
- Started on player animations
What I am going to do this week
- Finish player animation
- Arm cannon/texture/animation
- Other small things
What I am going to do next week
- Nothing, party :D?