Status Reports
Week 9
Things to talk about today
- Play test the game excessively
- Thoughts on camera: too slow/fast, pitch/ first player mode?
- Thoughts on 30 vs 50 fps
- Thoughts on number of tentacles at a time
- Thoughts on lag
- Thoughts on mobility
- Thoughts on elevator, remove it?
- Try to get players across vs. moving monsters to you
- We need the player in! Tuesday 10 am max.
- Need to fix:
- Start screen
- Shooter bullets
- Adding targeting visuals
- Decrease particles
- HUD tutorial text for each player
- Pre-load and re-use tentacles and heads every phase
- Finalize numbers for damage, health, tentacles, gravity, camera speed, etc.
- Rage particles need to be slower
- Decide who is doing what for the demo
- Speaker(s)
- Scientist
- Other player (one of us)
- Coaches (two of us)
- Audience members: Janet and Willy
- Talk about phase system
- Smart heads!
- Talk about story at the beginning
- We got feedback that it's super hard to understand what's going on, so might be a good idea
- Everyone sign off on whatever they get this week by Thursday (play the game and see if it works)
- We're the first to demo!
Overall Status
What are people doing
- Justina
- Aesthetics and animation for:
- Player and Head models
- Tentacle model?
- Aesthetics and animation for:
- Michael
- Sound...all sound xD
- Rendered arena
- Nathan
- Aabb Collisions (without collision mode, just the feel)
- Disclaimer for all known bugs here (like you have to keep moving)
- Everyone needs to know, but particularly the players and coaches!!
- Disclaimer for all known bugs here (like you have to keep moving)
- Heightmaps for all walls
- Gravity switches
- Jumping
- Wall jumping
- Aabb Collisions (without collision mode, just the feel)
- Franklin
- Player powers for all players
- Network stability
- Game over
- Bryan
- Start Screen with four players
- Player tutorial text for all players
- Stats Screen look
- Suman
- Player mobility for all players
- Full screen mode
- Particle systems
- Lag associated with them
- Lighting
- Fog
- Stats screen correctness with four players
- Haro
- Collision boxes for head model
- All walls
- All gravity configurations
- Head attacks
- Collision boxes for head model
Week 8
Overall Status
- More research done on different collision options
- Corrected player box for gravity!
- Textured most of the arena!
- Added platforms to the arena!
- Fullscreen mode!!!
- Harpoon graphics
- Exported heightmaps
- Generated sound effects - 80% done with audio engine!!
- Beautified HUD
- Fixed tentacle animations and textured tentacle
- Targeting system for the players
- Collision boxes for the arena
- Monster Head Logic
- Fireballs!!!
- Cleaned up Dropbox resource folder
What are people doing
P0 - Fix wall1.X (randomly turns black) - Add crates - Fix platforms physics model - GUI Optimizations P1 - Fourth player graphics - Clean up particle effect for players P2
P0 -Tentacle Placements- Player Animations Logic, adding player model - Adding HEAD model to game - Head collision boxes - Adding elevator shaft + collision boxes P1 - Go through todos and go through warnings - look for logic optimizations - change one use variables to static or consts P2
P0 - Network optimizations - Infinite Game mode P1 P2
P0 - Wall transparency! - Tentacle Texturing - Tentacle Collision boxes - Tentacle Angling towards Player - Testing Tentacle - Probe tentacle animation P1 - Lighting on the HUD - Start screen player icons - Fourth Player P2
P0 - Hmap collision - Bounded Camera P1 P2
P0 - Sound Effects - Sound Track/Battle Music P1 P2
P0 - Animated Cyborg model with different capes - Walking - Idle - Death - Animated Head model with all animations - Idle - Shoot - Spike - Rage - death - exit - enter - probe P1 - More player animations - Jump - Attacking - Cyborg charge sword out - Shooter/Harpoon aim - Stun? P2 - More player animations - falling - victory - Shooter model with canon hand animated - Walking - Idle - Death - Shoot aim P3 - Monster arena windows
Boss Mode ON!
To-Do Thing
Week 7
Overall Status
- All tentacle attacks with animations
- Arena model done!
- Some textures done!
- Sounds integrated! Objects can play their own sounds!
- Few glitches, work in progress
- Need to work out channel overlap issues
- Heightmap collision! Collision system finished!! Collision Debugging done!
- Harpoon power with graphics!
- Fog!!
- Working on player animations
What are people doing
- Nathan: Heightmap collision! Aiming mode! Correcting player box for gravity. Camera not passing through walls.
- Suman: Texturing arena and elevator, special power graphics
- Haro: Collision boxes for arena, monster head powers, add holes to elevator shaft
- Michael: Fixing sound! Sound effects! Exporting heightmaps!
- Justina: Head model, head and cyborg animations, cannon hand model
- Bryan: HUD and tentacle animations
- Franklin: Special powers!
How the darkness feels..
Our To-Do thing
Week 6
Overall Status
- Idle tentacle collision boxes
- Figured out model animation bug!!!!!!!!!
- Working beta tentacle model
- Heightmap collision
- Shooter!!!!!!!!!!!! =D with particles!
- Memory/Performance Profiling
- Charge particle effects!!
- New arena model with elevator shaft!!
- Cyborg model done!!!! Almost done textured!!
What are people doing
- Nathan: Sound engine! Heightmap collision!
- Suman, Haro: Texturing the arena! Arena objects (model and add to game)
- Suman: Tentacle particle effects
- Haro: Tentacle attacks
- Michael: Finish arena model, sounds!
- Justina: Finish texturing cyborg, head model, cyborg animations, shooter model (maybe)
- Bryan: Tentacle model, texturing, animations, attacks
- Franklin: Character Select, Scene Select, Shooter Powers, Mechanic Powers, Scientist Powers, Finish Reset
Week 5
Overall Status
- Heightmap generation/Reading bitmaps
- Lazy follow camera
- Switching gravity
- Feature integration!
- Monster phases
- Cyborg special power
- View collision boxes!
- Particle system
- Snow...?
- Start screen
What are people doing
- Defined in the main page =D
Week 4
Overall Status
- MVP DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Arena!
- First Character!
- One Monster with Many Tentacle(s)!!
- Restart if everyone dies
- Support for multiple collision boxes
- Initial gravity switching
- HUD that shows monster health and your health
- Rotating space texture
- Switching animation states for the player
What are people doing
- Bryan will work on tentacle animations (sweep primarily), collision boxes, Boss AI
- Michael will work on arena textures, platform and object models, sound bank for each object (for sound effects), and generating a height map
- Justina will model a first player, get started on a head model, texture the tentacle model
- Nathan will work on switching gravity!!
- Franklin will work on HUD (Game over, you won!), press A to join, Start to start; Restart when you won!
- Suman is doing arena lighting
- Haro is merging player animation to develop, adding ability to rotate models programatically
- Suman and Haro are doing first character special power (charge), then head phase, then shooting
Week 3
Overall Status
- We have a HUD! With a health bar that changes color!!
- We have a 3rd. person camera
- We have jumping and wall jumping!
- Networking's stable
- Tentacle model with animation!
- Collision detection!
- Simple death logic! (Controls Freeze)
- Built simple box arena out of planes
What are people doing
- Bryan will work on doing the AI for the tentacle boss, and animating/modelling with Justina
- Michael will work on modelling the environment, maybe working on some sound as well
- Justina will model a first player and work on animations
- Nathan will work on switching gravity!!
- Franklin will work on restart logic and monster death logic
- monster health on HUD, monster dies when health is zero
- Suman and Haro will work on rendering the boss, player attack logic and tentacle collision boxes
Group Morale
Week 2
Overall Status
- We have a real server!!!
- We can have multiple clients (ish)
- We can load models!!!
- Render engine merged!!!
- Object management!
- Audio is working but not merged!!!!!
- Load files
- Play files
- We'll talk about merging
- Justina's got sketches for the 1st and 2nd characters!!!!
- Our loader can only do .x!
- 3DS 2012 can export to .x? PandaSoft can! So Justina's getting 2012!!
- Good to know size for modelling
- Our arena is made of walls! Start with a box!
What are people doing
- Bryan will work on setting up a scene end to end/loading and rendering models
- Franklin knows what he's doing on networks
- Michael will work on modelling the environment
- Justina will model a tentacle, first player, helping out with graphics/camera
- Nathan will clean up object management, work on collision
- Suman and Haro will do the HUD, fix controller, camera
Group Morale
When me and a coworker are working in the same branch
Week 1
Overall Status
- Project Spec/Schedule
- Direction/Aesthetics of characters
- Character controls
- Set up a wiki
- Client that can connect to server
- Set up github repository
- Set up dropbox for art
- Finalized meeting time
- Designed initial engine architecture
- Bryan temporarily switched to graphics while Justina's gone
- Franklin video-taping 3D Studio Max for Justina =D
- We decided on a team name! Ninja Coders!!
Group Morale
When me and a coworker are working in the same branch