From Group 4
[hide]Week 4 Report
What I did
- Managed world events on client and server
- Reset logic for both victory and loss conditions
- HUD related world events
- Start Screen - every player presses start to play
- "Art" for start screen and other HUD elements
Week 4 Report
What I did
- Created a World Manager and Event Manager
- Handles restart logic and hopefully future world events
- Character animation support
- Debugged various features.
What I didn't do
- Haven't quite figured out a good way to implement and use the event manager.
- Haven't figured out how to make the network manager cleaner with a better api
What I'm doing this week
- HUD related elements
- Start Screen
- 2D texture positioning
- "Art"
Week 3 Report
What I did
- Networking
- Manage dropped connections (in case clients crash)
- Allow for reconnecting the client to the server.
- Serialization of certain objects (Frames)
- Manage dropped connections (in case clients crash)
- Networking and Game Logic
- Work with Nathan to notify clients of their id generated on the server.
- Configuration Manager
- Educating the other members of my team about the Configuration Manager.
- Parsing Point Vectors.
- Generating a copy of config.ini to config_dev.ini if it doesn't already exist
- Reconnecting doesn't work if the client exits in an expected manner.
- Educating group about config_dev proves to be an interesting challenge.
- Even the individual who requested the feature seems to have trouble remembering that this exists.
Plan for this week
- Game Logic
- Working on restarting the game if everyone dies.
- Networking
- Polishing and refactoring if spare time
- Work with anyone else doing anything else.
What I'm doing next week
- No idea as of now.
Week 2 Report
What I did
- Created a basic network manager that can send messages from the server to the client
- Server can communicate with clients via CIN and clients respond back with acks
- Update: Network and Game Logic is integrated.
- Updated the Packet type to hold 1024 bytes as data
- Current assumption is that (de)serialization is going to copy and paste using memcpy and sizeof(class)
- Tested communication between clients on different lab machines.
- Created Configuration Manager (uses config.ini)
- Using CM in a few places.
- These should find their way to other parts of the wiki.
- If you get an error that says it can't find dxd9, go to Properties. Under Configuration Properties, there is a VC++ Directories. In Include and Library Directories, link to the Direct X installation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Include" and "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Library" respectively.
- Follow this guide to enable a custom shared library for both client and server: MSDN Shared Library Guide
What I'm doing next week
- Finishing whatever I didn't finish this week.
- Working with the Engine/Logic team to serialize and deserialize objects
Week 1 Report
What I did
- Worked on Project Spec/Schedule with the team
- Discussed direction and design of project with the group.
What I'm doing this week
- Working on networking between a client and server project.
- Constructing Config File (Likely XML)
- Creating logging construct to log all messages passed between client and server(w/timestamp).
- Making setup executable to modify Config file
What I'm doing next week
- Finishing whatever I didn't finish this week.
- Working with the Engine/Logic team to serialize and deserialize objects