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From Group 4
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- Reset doesn't work in the debug/release executable.
- Jumping doesn't work when gravity points to the ceiling, the collision normal against the ceiling is (0,1,0) but it should be (0,-1,0)
- You can charge right through a wall......
- Particle effects don't work through reset
Charging particles stay alive
Probably should fix
Quitting has an error because the Monster destructor tries to set the HUD, and I think it's already deleted
Probably won't fix
Variable number of particles is wonky
To Dos for this week
- Reduce number of particles - Smaller scientist particles in third person - Smaller/Remove scientist particles in first person - Maybe change fireball/bullet texture - Cross-hairs for targeting in first person - Slower rage particles - Train Janet and Willy - Screenshots
- Player Animations Logic - Idle - Run - Jump - Floating up - Falling down - Death - Charge / Aim - Ready / Shoot - Attack - Add player model - Fix Head animations - Smart Heads that react to attacks - Move tentacles to you when gravity is on east wall/window - Play with numbers for damage, health, number of tentacles, gravity, camera speed, etc. - Phase System with hot key for switching - Tentacles that are passive - Tentacles that attack - Gravity switch with Tentacles - Fog on top of Gravity and Tentacles - Fog and Gravity and Monster Heads - Fog, Gravity, and SMART Monster Heads - End: Game Over - stats screen
- Get rid of harpoon range limit - Fix bullets (make them last less, add more) - Aim assist - Pre-load and re-use tentacles/heads every phase
- Tentacle Collision boxes - Tentacle Angling towards Player - Testing Tentacle - Work with Justina on consistent tentacle look - Start screen player icons - Fix start screen player ready - HUD tutorial text for each player - Story (Outline is in status report) - Speech - Stats screen background image - Icons for the different phases
- Re-enable pitch for 3rd person camera - Flip pitch for 1st person - Let pitch go all the way up - Remove elevator, fix wall height map, add static doors
- Sound Effects - Sound Track/Battle Music
- Animated Cyborg model - Idle - Run - Jump - Floating up - Falling down - Death - Charge - Ready - Attack - Animated Shooter model - Idle - Run - Jump - Floating up - Falling down - Death - Aim (Charge) - Shoot (Ready) - Models have different colored capes - Intro 2D drawings for story
Making the game fun
- Fix lag o_o
- Fewer Tentacle Rage Particles
- Fewer Fog Particles
- Faster turning camera
- Test with INIT_HEALTH = 100, change damage numbers (bullets, fireballs, etc.) so they make sense
- Show player title in stats and tutorial
- Test/Fix Start screen
- Better bullet graphics (different texture?)
- Visualize target in FPV
Make the harpoon a stun gun when it hits a tentacle - Make bullets moar dmg, big delay between every bullet, no bounce
- Increase gravity interval
- Decrease 0-G interval
- Platforms:
- 5 moving: middles of walls
- 5 static: corners and center
- 3 crates
- Increase platform size by 4
- Make sure harpooner can harpoon itself and others onto platforms
Change charge into invincible mode for small period of time with delay in between - Story at the beginning
- Making powers slightly more overpowered/fun.
- Extend play time: More Phases - Make them automatically switch or making some player switch.
- Phase 1: Tentacles that are passive
- Phase 2: Tentacles that attack
- Phase 3: Gravity switch with Tentacles
- Phase 4: Fog on top of Gravity and Tentacles
- Phase 5: Fog and Gravity and Monster Heads
- Phase 6: Just Monster Heads + massive rate of fireballs
- End: Game Over - stats screen
Week | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Franklin | Loading screen Shooter attack logic World and HUD events |
Shooter special power Design other powers? Texturing arena |
Testing/Bug Fixing | Testing | Presentation |
Bryan | Monster Tentacle AI Tentacle animations |
Monster Head AI Head animations |
Texturing!! | Testing | Presentation |
Justina | Cyborg model/animations Tentacle animations/texturing Head model |
Head animations/texturing Shooter model/animations |
Cyborg/Shooter texturing Particle textures Prettier Graphics |
Demo Design Finalize Graphics |
Presentation |
Nathan | Lazy follow camera Height map collision Render complete arena Fix collision boxes with visualization |
Bug Fixing Enhancing Physics Harpoon Swinging |
Bug Fixing/Testing | Testing | Presentation |
Michael | Arena object models Arena textures Sound effects (attack, charge, jump, collision, tentacle) |
Finalized Arena model Soundtrack |
Fully integrated sounds | Testing | Presentation |
Suman | Shooter graphics Charge particle effects Memory/CPU profiling Head attack design |
Shooter graphics Harpoon laser particle effects |
HUD Designs Start screen design Testing/Bug Fixing |
Testing | Presentation |
Haro | Tentacle smash attack Roll tentacle to player Tentacle collision boxes Smash combo attack Push away attack Ask Hiram for space texture |
Head attacks Head collision boxes |
Testing/Bug Fixing | Testing | Presentation |